sustainability policy fruit hand
sustainability policy fruit hand

Sustainability Policy

Sustainability Policy

What is a Sustainability Policy? 

It is a document that we created after setting up a "Sustainability Team" within the office, which is a group of people in charge of drawing up precise corporate sustainability goals and dedicating part of their time to coordinating the rest of the office in achieving them. After obtaining Travelife's sustainability certifications, we certainly don't want to stop: the goal was to draw up an action plan to constantly improve the company's performance in the field of sustainability. This is why we decided to create the Sustainability Policy.

The document provides a list of objectives to be achieved in the five-year period 2020/2025, with precise indications of when we can consider them achieved, and a list of actions to be committed to facilitate the achievement of these objectives. A control and review system is also planned and implemented. In short, everything follows the "Plan, Implement, Verify" method.

Ours is a public document, which we put here for you to consult: one of our goals is maximum transparency, so that you can always check what we are doing and the goals we set ourselves and hope to achieve.

You can read our sustainability policy at this link. 

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S-Cape Countryside Travels srl
Borgo Allegri 16R
50122 Firenze FI
P. IVA 05227330486

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VAT Nr 05227330486